
January 13, 2017

Let go and attract your Desire

When you are learning about Universal Laws, life becomes interesting. Everything around you start making sense. When you consciously work on attracting your Desires, you may attract them or you won’t. I have studied people who practicing Law of Attraction techniques but aren’t able to attract their desires. After lot of observation and interviewing…
September 5, 2016

Relationship Redefined

When I think about relationships in general, I believe life is all about relationships and there is no greater relationship of greater importance to achieve than the relationship between you, in your physical body and the Soul/Source/God from which you have come. If you understand and have good relationship with your Sou/Source/God, only then you…
August 29, 2016

Self Love – The Art of Living

I get lot of emails on daily basic from people who are having financial problems, health issues, relationship problems, confusion about what career to choose and when I get to know more about them I find something common in them – Lack of Self Love. I am studying Louise Hay (Author of You can heal…
May 25, 2016

Never give up…

I was playing with my Niece, her name is Aisha, she is 15 months young & very cute. She has recently learned walking but she falls more often. Everyone know if you try to learn and do something new you will fall and you will make mistakes. No one in this world has ever learned…