
September 17, 2018

Law of Attraction Success Story – Life Changing Experience

By Deepti, Melbourne, Australia I have never read any book like “The Secret” or “The Magic” or any Law of Attraction books and this is my first “31 Days Mind Power Magic” Workshop, before this workshop I never listen any thing about Law Of Attraction but after connected with this my life . . 
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September 17, 2018

Law of Attraction Success Story – Attracted my Desired College

By Rosmin, India I am very much glad to share my Success Story in practicing Law Of Attraction. Three years back, I came to know about 'The Secret' from one of my friends & I watched the movie. But I was not able to understand much of the things. . . 
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September 17, 2018

Law of Attraction Success Story – Inner Powers

By Amol, India Mohit Sir, first of all Thank You so much for this Great “31 Days Mind Power Magic” Workshop. I came to know that I have Great Inner Powers within me. Thank you Thank you Thank you. . 
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August 7, 2018

Law of Attraction Success Story – Attracted my Job

By Kinjal Bhayani, Mumbai Life is very easy and simple but we complicate it by our own thoughts, because we know "The Secret" works wonders for us but only if we believe in it. Being the die hard fan and follower of Rhonda I use to follow secret since 2008 which was . 
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