
November 5, 2019

365 Days Destiny Tuning Workshop Success Story – I am Living a truly Blissful, Harmonious & Content life

By, Kalyani Shetkar, India I was always a happy go lucky, ambitious and overachiever since my childhood till I guess 2012-13. But life never happens as a straight line, it always happens as a sinusoidal wave which gets few ups and downs;. . .
October 9, 2019

Law of Attraction Success Story – Manifest my Dream Job

By Shilpa Katare, India I have been a part of 5 Online “Law of Attraction” Workshops of Mohit Sir. Every time I would manifest my desires but this time I manifested my most important desire that too very soon. I wanted to start my CS training in Mumbai, . . .
September 26, 2019

Law of Attraction Success Story – Best Law Of Attraction Success Story in the World

By, Mohit Tahiliani, India I was born in a Lower Middle Class family in a small town Gandhidham, Gujarat. When I was six months old, my family shifted to another small town Anand, Gujarat. Both my parents had to work very hard and struggle to make , . . .
September 25, 2019

Law of Attraction Success Story – Believe it and Receive it

By, Jiya, India “Life is a canvas - You can decide to make it Colourful or make it completely Dark”. My story is just like that. I have been a big believer of “The Power of Subconscious Mind” for more than a decade. Thanks to MBA coaching prep , . . .