Mohit Tahiliani

May 28, 2015

Your body is sending you a signal.. Listen carefully

Our Mind and Body are always communicating with each other. Whenever our mind goes wrong, body sends us signals in form of various health problems in scientific terms. Our job is to understand the meaning behind the health issues we face and we will know where we are wrong in our mind. Currently I am…
May 16, 2015

Law of Karma

I believe all of you must have heard about KARMA. So what is LAW OF KARMA ? In simple language we can say, “You get what you sow” If you sow a mango seed, then you will get a mango tree with many mangoes on it. If you sow an apple seed then you will…
April 28, 2015

Do you live in the Present ?

“Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift of God, which is why we call it the present.” Bil Keane I believe everyone must have read these lines and most of you understand it. The question is how many of you really enjoy the PRESENT? How many of you live…
March 7, 2015

Life Changing Activity – Pyramid of Mastery

What is Success? Do you think, when a person buys his BMW car is a successful person but he is having a back ache while sitting in it? Do you think a healthy person is successful who can’t afford to spend money for his children’s vacation? Do you think that a person who is working…