Law of Attraction Success Story – Manifested 9/10 Desires in 19 Days
April 3, 2017
Have you heard about Destiny Tuning ?
April 17, 2017Law of Attraction Success Story – Dream Wedding with my Best Friend

- By, Sneha, Pune, India
It all started back in 2012 when I joined my first organization in Pune. Life was awesome full of new friends,new environment and work, amazing city, fun outings, adventures, eat outs and parties, literally everything a new ‘IT’ person could ask for.On the very first day of my joining, I met him. He was this handsome guy with good sense of humor and charismatic personality. We became very good friends in a short span of time. We used to hang out and party a lot, share our happy and sad moments together. We knew we had each others back whenever needed. Time flew and our friendship grew and we became best friends for life.
Life was going on good, I became busy with work and finally moved to Mumbai after job change.
Everything came to a halt and went upside down when I lost the most important person of my life, My mummy, all of a sudden. I could barely understand how it happened, why it happened to us, what wrong did we do and a lot more unanswered questions. With the blessings of my God, the help of my family and friends, we started gathering courage one day at a time and recollecting ourselves. Time passed and as they say Time is the biggest healer. I decided to stay with my Dad and leave my job back in Mumbai.
It is then that my Best friend proposed me for marriage. I decided to take my time and understand what I wanted. Eventually, I said Yes but my family didn’t agree to this as it was inter-caste. I knew I was marrying my best friend who stood by me in my worst times and took care of me like a little baby. Even though I tried my best to convince my father with the help of my siblings(both being the most supportive and understanding throughout), he didn’t agree. Months passed by, but I was sure what I wanted. I also understood why my Dad was against it, his beliefs, his fear, his indecisiveness, the feeling of marrying his daughter to the best man in this world..everything. We even used to make him understand from his perspective but failed. I could not understand why things were falling apart. All of a sudden, a good daughter became a disobeying one. I was unknowingly blaming and cursing myself.
I came across The Secret in college days. Read it like any other novel, felt good and moved on. Only in Feb 2016, when I came across “31 Days Magic Session” by Mohit and started it, I could gradually feel the changes in my life. I wanted to marry him with my father’s consent and happiness. I started practicing gratitude everyday. I started ‘letting go’ of my belief system,of my past, of my understanding about my father’s mindset,everything. To LET GO is very important. In one of the practices I remember, Mohit asked us to convert a negative situation to positive one by being grateful. I practiced it for my marriage and Dad’s approval for it. I was being grateful to each ounce of what my Dad has done for me and still doing. I started looking at all the positive things happening around. I was grateful for my friend’s unending support and love. I was grateful for my siblings unconditional support. and for all the relatives for their support. The relatives who once said No started giving good feedback to my father and contributed in his mindset change. I started staying HAPPY and living in the moment and that I believe is the key to success.
After 2 months of practicing this gratitude, meditation and other practices, Magic happened. Dad agreed to my marriage and called my in-laws. MINE WAS A DREAM WEDDING, I call it Dream wedding because it took place in exactly the same way in which we visualised. We used to visualise over our long distance phone calls, how it would be, what we will wear, how everyone will dance and enjoy, how we will look on our D-Day and everything else. I was the happiest bride and my Dad was the happiest father that day. I could see that calmness in his voice and happiness in his EYES.
Today I am happily married to my best friend, someone who understands me completely, who knows what I am about to speak even without me speaking that, who cares, shares and laughs along with me, SOMEONE whom my parents would have wanted to get me married off with. Life is magical since the day I started practicing Gratitude. ‘THANK YOU’ has changed my world. I have got the best in-laws of the world who are extremely loving and supportive, happy people who always adore me like their own daughter. I am thankful to Mohit for being my guiding angel throughout in this journey. I am forever indebted to you and Rhonda for bringing The Secret to my life. Lots of magic dust on you. You are doing the noblest job of all Mohit.
With each session of yours since the last 1 year, I have grown tremendously and still growing. There lies a lot to discover and do. I am on a happy journey called LIFE and it is indeed Magical.
Mohit Tahiliani
Law of Attraction Coach
Founder of “Mind, Body & Soul”
(E) – [email protected]