Mohit Tahiliani

January 20, 2015

How to break the Heredity chain ?

Passing on traits from parents to their offspring is called Heredity. But what I am observing around myself these days is that people are playing with their lives and they are unaware of this fact. I will explain to you how… Just observe people around you for a day. Don’t speak, just listen. Observe…
November 2, 2014

Do you React or Respond..??

Do you know the difference between React and Respond? It’s the same difference between living a pre-defined life and writing your own Destiny. Yes..! Think in terms of thoughts & energy. So here is my question again, “Do You React or Respond?” If your answer is React, then congratulations you also come under majority…
October 26, 2014


Nothing is impossible for the Universe to manifest. If you are feeling that what you want is too “big” for the Universe, take a walk outside, look around you, and think about our planet: the oceans, the plains, the forests, the jungles, the animals, the trees, and every piece of vegetation on our planet. Look…
August 26, 2014

Five Most Common Mistakes in Mastering the Law of Attraction

Did you love the movie The Secret? Have you been trying to practice what you learned from it? Do you experience any frustration or confusion about how to effectively manifest your dreams? If so, then read on. The tips in this article will help you bring more of the secrets behind the law of attraction…