Mohit Tahiliani

June 15, 2017

Why do Law of Attraction don’t Work for Some People ?

Lot of people come to me and say Mohit, I tried everything, I read The Secret book and practiced but nothing happens. Well, I laugh out sometimes, as for me it is like someone saying Mohit, Law of Gravity is not working for me, I am flying, animals are flying around me. Please help. Law…
June 9, 2017

Law of Attraction Success Story – Manifested a House using Law of Attraction

By, Prerna Girme, India 1. One big story : I am a Money Magnet We booked a brand new flat near our place today. Two weeks back we heard about this new construction and we went to check it out. With many discussions we finally decided to go for it today on the first day…
May 28, 2017

Do you want to get Younger Day by Day ?

There are 2 types of people in this world. First once are those who believe that we don’t have control of anything in our lives. Second one are those who do things that are impossible because they know that they are the Creators of their life. So they can get anything they want in their…
May 25, 2017

5 Simple Ways to Manifest your Desires using Law of Attraction

We all know what is Law of Attraction – “What we think and feel is what we attract in our life. We are Magnets.” But how to Manifest our Desires ? Today I will teach you 5 Simple steps to Manifest your Desires into Reality – Step 1 – Decide what you want in your…