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June 17, 2015
Intelligence Vs Intuition
September 2, 2015Why do people attract the opposite of what they Desire ?

It’s called the “Law of Reversed” effort. Coue, the famous psychologist from France who visited America about 50 years ago, defined the Law of Reversed effort as follows, “When your Desire and Imagination are in conflict your imagination invariably gains the Day.”
Let me explain you with a simple example – You are asked to walk on a 3 feet high 10 feet long wall, you would do it without thinking for a second. But if you are told to walk to 10 feet long wall at 100 m high then your Desire will be counteracted by your imagination of fear of falling. When your Desire and your imagination are against each other than always remember that your imagination will win.
What are your predominant thoughts? Whatever they are, they will create imagination in your mind and if they don’t go along with your Desire then they won’t allow your Desire to manifest. Your imagination & Desire should go hand in hand. This is the main reason why people get the exact opposite of what they Desire.
Imagination is created in our mind and our mind can be divided into two parts – Conscious (used to think/desire/idea) and Subconscious mind(predominant thoughts/imagination/belief). When both your mind are harmonious with your Desire, idea or mental image, when there is no quarrel in either part of your mind then your Desire will come true.
You can avoid all the conflicts between your Desire and Imagination by entering in your drowsy, sleepy state where the conscious mind stops working and you have to make least effort to impregnate your desires in your subconscious mind. In this state all your fear will disappear along as the conscious mind is no more active so you can imagine the reality of your Desired fulfilled. Always imagine the final picture and feel the excitement of living your Desire.
Example – If you are looking for attract a salary hike then all you need to do is practice this daily. Find a room where you can be alone for 15- 20 minutes. Sit in a relaxing position and close your eyes. Relax your body and then imagine your desire. In this case your salary has been hikes and you are enjoying life to the fullest. Imagine spending the money and fell the feeling of having and enjoying money. When you are in drowsy state imagining your desire most important thing is to feel it as it’s the reality. To make it look real use your sense organs like smell, listen, touch, see and feel everything. If you practice this daily for 2-3 weeks you will see miracles in your life.
Happy Manifestation
Mohit Tahiliani
Law of Attraction Coach
Founder of “Mind, Body & Soul”
(E) – [email protected]
1 Comment
This is a perfect explanation for those who complain about getting the opposite of what they desire for.