Best Case Scenario
March 16, 2016
Never give up…
May 25, 2016The Missing part of "The Secret"

It was January 2014. One weekend I was watching “The Secret” video for like 20th time & out of nowhere I had an inspired thought. It was an idea for my next book which is a series of volumes based on lives of the best Law of Attraction trainers/experts/coaches around the world that are also the creators of “The Secret” video & “The Secret” book. I didn’t have any clue on how will I contact such great legends who are living in different countries but I always believe that nothing is impossible. I used “The Secret” to get in touch with most of them and within four months I had conducted interview with Dr. Joe Vitale, Sir Bob Doyle, Sir John Grey, Dr. Ben Johnson & Dr. Fred Alan Wolf.

“How To Write Your Own Destiny” is the title of my 2nd book which is a series with multiple volumes. Volume 1 is based on “Dr. Joe Vitale” & Volume 2 is based on life story of legendary “Neale Donald Walsch”. In the process on conducting interview of such amazing personalities from around the world, I myself found a common hidden secret which they all missed to mention clearly in “The Secret” movie/book. When I asked them a question, “What is the one thing you missed to show in The Secret movie/book?” Can you believe it, that they all replied me with the same answer? I couldn’t believe at first too but I too realized that they are correct. How can they miss such an important point? The secret which was missed to be presented in The Secret movie/book is “ACTION”.
Every single Law of Attraction coaches who co-created The Secret video/book told me the same missing point which they wished to be highlighted in The Secret video/book. If you have seen the video or read the book, you would have noticed Jack Canfield shared his story on how he attracted $100,000/- & then $1,000,000/-. While sharing his story on how he wrote his $100,000/- check and how he used to visualize every day when he woke up in the morning. He attracted situation, circumstances and people in his life but he got the desired money by taking inspired action. If in case he would have sat at home and do nothing at all, just relaxing and believing that he will get the money her wished for then would he have attracted the money in his life? The answer is simple – NO.

Now coming to you, if you used Law of Attraction intentionally to attract your desires, Universe will start working on it and it will communicate with you through various mediums like you will see some sign board, or listen something on Television or it could be any random thing. Let the Universe do its part but don’t sit ideally. Take ACTION, not just action but you will get an inspired idea from Universe. Don’t second thought and wait for anyone, just take ACTION. When you take inspired action and go with the flow, you will notice that everything will start to fall into place, you don’t have to make much efforts, if you feel like you are making lot of efforts and you don’t get any results, change your ACTIONS, the inspired though wasn’t understood by you correctly because when Universe starts helping you, then it feels like you are going with the flow and every single person in your life will start helping you to get you to your desire. Never give up, it might take few days or weeks or even months to attract what you want, it depends on how quick you come into alignment with what you have asked for.
There are lot of other important things you still don’t know about Law of Attraction, even after watching The Secret movie. So I share it in my “7 Days Free Online Basic” Coaching. All you need to do is Register and you will start getting mails from next day itself. Learn more & manifest your Desires easily.
Click on the given link to Register yourself -
Mohit Tahiliani
Law of Attraction Coach
Founder of “Mind, Body & Soul”
(E) – [email protected]
Action… Really once this process of action starts and we get aligned with the flow… Everything is just magical…