Self Love – The Key to Manifesting a Happy Life
April 29, 2022
Law of Attraction Success Story – My Life Transformed Completely like Magic
June 29, 2022My Journey To Financial Freedom

We are all Born to Enjoy our Life with Abundance.. We are all Born to be Rich…. But most of People spend their lives living a Poor / Middle Class Life. They are not able to Enjoy the Abundance & Prosperity which is all around us. Abundance is everywhere, just look around you.. There are abundance of Trees / Abundance of Minerals / Abundance of Animals / Abundance of Water in Ocean / Abundance of Money with Rich People.. Everything is Abundantly available in our Universe..
I was born in a lower middle class family where both my Parents were having a Job. They both worked very Hard their entire life but still they never became Rich. I always wanted to become Rich from Childhood & I realised in my Childhood that Hard Work alone will not make me Rich. There is something missing that most people don’t know .. This is why 95% of people work day & night but still they live a Middle Class Life.. Never able to Experience Abundance & Prosperity ..
In my College days, I started exploring more about how to become Rich & Successful, so I started Reading lot of books on the Richest People in the World & then I found out -
1. They don’t Work for Money, they make Money Work for Them.
2. They don’t do jobs, They are Businessmen.
Believe that you are loved by everyone around you and specially Universe.
3. They don’t Save Money like we Do. They Invest Money to make more Money.
4. They don’t think how much they will make in a Month, They make Financial Goals for 1 Year & 5 Year.
5. They don’t think like Normal people. Their Mindset is very Different, I call it - “Millionaire Mindset”.
After Reading 20-30 books on Prosperity / Abundance / Investment / Money & The Law of Attraction , I started realising what I have to do next. I was very Young, I was in College with no Job or Money but we don’t need Money to become Rich.. We need a Millionaire Mindset.
So I started working on my Mindset. I found so many Negative Beliefs on Money I had from Childhood because of what I was told about Money like - “ Money don’t Grow on Trees” / “It’s very Difficult to get Money” / Job or Business is the only source of Money / Only Rich people can get Money / Money is Bad, never Run after Money / Save Money for Unexpected Situations & so on … It took me a few Years to Change my Mindset on Money & in 2011 I started Investing.. In 2013 I had my Job & 2 other Sources of Income - My Book Royalty & Stocks.
I kept on Studying & taking Actions to plan for my Financial Freedom & I made a Goal that by the Age of 35 I want to be Financially Free Completely. I should have so many Passive Sources of Income that if I stop Workshop, I should get more Money than my Expenses..
Today I have bought 3 Properties in Vadodara on my Name , I have Investments in many Places like Mutual Funds / Stocks / Crypto / Gold , etc & I have 7 Sources of Income out of which 6 Sources are Passive Income.. I am very happy to share that in 2022, I am just 33 & I have accused what I call Financial Freedom.. I am still going to work till the last day of my Life because I am following my Passion. I love my Job as a Law of Attraction Coach & I now I have Decided to help others to become Financially Free like me.
So For the 1st Time I have Designed a “30 Days Advance Prosperity” Workshop where I am going to help people in following areas -
- Creating a Millionaire Mindset in 30 Days
- Creating Multiple Sources of Income
- Finding their Passion & following their Passion to Start a New Active Income
- Teaching them How to Invent Money
- Planning for their Financial Freedom & starting now to Taking Actions
- Removing your Debts & Living a StressFree Life
- Growing Your Business 3X in Next 1 Year
- Achieving Financial Goals
If You are Ready to Achieve your Financial Goals , then WhatsApp me on - 9428153974. I will share the Complete Details of my “30 Days Advance Prosperity” Workshop With You. It is Starting from 1st Feb 2023.