Law of Attraction Success Story – Magical Experience in Every Area of Life
May 6, 2020
Hakuna Matata Success Story – Life Changing Workshop
May 13, 2020My Lock down Success story - Attracting Abundance

By, Mohit Tahiliani
“Nothing is Impossible in this Lock down if you Believe.” - Mohit Tahiliani
It was 25th March 2020, when the Lockdown started in India. People were going Crazy, assuming things which were making them Panic. Most people were uncertain about the future, lot of them were feeling Anxious, lot of them were feeling bad for closing their Business, lot of them were worried about loosing their Jobs but I decided to “BELIEVE” in myself. I believed that I will grow in my Personal Life and my “Mind,Body & Soul” School too.
I have been doing Research on “Law of Attraction” from 2009 and I have learned a lot about how to attract more Money in life with Happiness. Lot of people have Money but No Peace of Mind/ Happiness. But from last 5 Year, I have been practicing on improving my Relationship with Money. I have Successfully got Magical Results till now and on the Day of Lockdown I decided to Believe in my Dreams
My Goals were simple & I wrote my Desire List on the Day of Lock Down -
1. I am very happy to grow “Mind,Body & Soul” Members from 10,000+ to 20,000+
2. I am very happy to help 5000+ people through Instagram.
3. I am very happy to start posting Law of Attraction Videos to help people on Youtube.
4. I am very happy to give a Talk in the College I did Engineering.
5. I am very happy to become more Physically Strong by Doing 30 Days Abs Challenge.
6. I am very happy to attract unexpected Rs 10,000/- .
7. I am very happy to teach Law of Attraction to School Kids.
8. I am very happy to get Unexpected Money everyday of my Life.
9. I am very happy to read 2 books this Month.
10. I am very happy to enjoy this Lock down time to the fullest.
I was 100% Sure, I will manifest my Goals, I started Visualising them and bring myself in alignment to my Desires. Lot of people told me that our Economy is Falling, Business are shutting down. No one will pay and join my Workshop. People around the World were panicking and getting Negative but I didn’t listen to anyone. I believed in my Dreams..
I started working on my Money Beliefs and Money Affirmations and consciously working on Money Consciousness from 1st April.. Initially I was just living in the Present and doing everything I love and following my Highest Excitement. I was always happy from Day 1 of this Lock down. I don’t care how long this will go because I am enjoying it to the fullest. Slowly I got a call from a Professor of “Parul University” for me to take a Live Webinar for College Students. I got a call from a friend to teach Law of Attraction to his Kids. I attract Unexpected Money. I got an Inspired Idea to Design a 7 Days Law of Attraction Challenge for people who want to be happy and positive in this Lock Down time.
I never promoted anything on Instagram but my Inner guidance was to try it once. So I did and the Results were Mind blowing. In just 1 month, 5000+ people joined and today is 13th May, there are now 20,000+ member in “Mind,Body & Soul”. I am attracting unexpected Money everyday. I have manifested all 10 of my Desires.
Making Money is the most Easiest thing with “Law of Attraction” is what I Believe. So I have decided to help everyone of you to get -
1. Multiple Sources of Income
2. Grow your Business easily
3. Start a New Business following your Passion
4. Attract your Dream Job
5. Achieving Financial Freedom
6. Remove Blockages
7. Having Positive Money Mindset and Beliefs
I am starting a 30 Days Prosperity Workshop from 1st June 2020, to help people Manifest their Dream like I am doing. Are you Ready ?

Mohit Tahiliani
Law of Attraction Coach