Law of Attraction Success Story – University Topper
March 16, 2018
Law of Attraction Success Story – Never Compromise with Dreams
March 16, 2018Law of Attraction Success Story - We have Power to Heal Ourselves

- By, Nishu Nish, India
Hello Miraculous people. I am happy to say that I have been able to take back control of my mental and emotional health and not only this but most importantly to change my perspective about life forever focusing on the gratitude, therefore leading to increase happiness and satisfaction. So, today I decided to compile this story as guidance post to practice self healing with immense power within our body.
This is not only one thing that I attracted magically. I have a list & and those will be the part of my next stories. I have been introduced to “The Secret” 4 years ago by a friend of mine, but never tried it. Few years ago, when I was diagnosed with uterine fibroid. Doctor told me that I have several tumors. The pain killing me hundreds of time in a day & suffered insomnia because of excruciating of pain. The insufficient sleep impaired my body to heal itself. One day I found a link of a video. In that video ‘’Abraham responds to a man who has a pacemaker and think he should be able to heal himself without technology’’. After watching video I decided that ‘’I will heal myself of pain’’. I had to keep myself immersed in the LOA teachings to not go back to my negative ways.
Disease in a body is the result of internal signalling. That signalling is controlled by conscious and subconscious beliefs.
In April 2016, again I got to know about Mohit sir’s workshops - “31 Days Magic Session". I joined the workshop and heard what he said about the practices for 31 days. Something made me commit to doing it this time and the effects have been incredible. One of the main n huge change was with my abdominal pain, which had been constant in my life, I had tried many things therapies, medications, even a surgery also but nothing was working. During the session of workshop, I start distracted myself from the pain and I didn’t talk about my supposed condition. At first, it was quite hard to change my focus away from my pain. I appreciated my life bringing my focus onto only what felt good. I began to change my thought process. My new determination is to find good and magical things in my life. Whenever I got abdominal pain, I began the process of putting my attention to pictured something happy n beautiful images of Nature & Angels. It was hard but every time law of attraction make it easier and easier for me and when I did the pain went away.
What Actually Happened?
As long as I was giving my attention, my focus, to the frequency of the pain, I continued to add to that energy. I began to focus on the discomfort n put all my attention on my pain. The pain got worse and worse. Whenever someone would ask me about my health. I would go into a long story of how bad it is and that the doctor said that it is not healing properly. I advice myself to stop telling this and tell a new story of how I am doing great and my health is healing perfectly every day.
Magical Result:
It’s a great magic and huge success for me. There was a time when I got pain number of times & now there is a time when I got pain once in a month. I threw all my painkillers. Now my physical body is in radiant health. It changed my life. I began being grateful every single day of my life, in every area. Not only about my health. I have a strong witness of my transformed condition and she is AYANKA BHARDWAJ. She was the only person I had who takes care of me during pain like a mother, like an elder sister & like an Angel. Always loves you dodo. Now I am ready to become a master at manifesting everything with the Law of Attraction.
Everything is energy, we all are vibrational beings. Every experience we have is just an interpretation of energy.”
Thank you Mohit, Rhonda Byrne and everyone in this World who is helping and teaching how to use the secret and law of attraction. You guys are such a blessing to the World.
‘’You have to begin telling a different story if you want the Law of Attraction to bring you different things’’
Mohit Tahiliani
Law of Attraction Coach
Founder of “Mind, Body & Soul”
(E) – [email protected]