Law of Attraction Success Story – We are the Creators of our own Life
February 21, 2018
Law of Attraction Success Story – Attracted my Dream Job
March 15, 2018Law of Attraction Success Story - From a Non-believer to a Happy Believer

-By Nimita, India
I am completely new to Law of Attraction. Neither have I read 'The Secret' nor have I ever practiced from 'The Magic'. Rather I was not even aware of the book 'The Magic'. It was almost 2 years back when a friend just gave me a hint about Law of Attraction, which made me curious enough to search about it over internet. It was then that I came across Mohit’s Online Workshop, I enrolled myself for 21 Days Free Session but never did I open his mails to read.
I gave many thoughts to read mails, but I was never sure if the Law of Attraction really works. Out of habit I made a list of 8 Desires/Goals which were to be achieved during the entire year. After a year I noticed unintentionally I had manifested 7 desires out of 8. So this was the biggest Magic, Universe itself made me believe that Law of attraction works and guess what was the 8th desire?
It was to read all the mails I had received from Mohit about “21 Days Free Workshop”. And look I manifested this too in a better manner I decided on the same day and directly enrolled myself for the “31 Days Mind Power Magic” Session, that too on 1st of Feb (the very day when it was suppose to start). So my start itself was so magical.
After joining the course, there were many little and rare experiences which I started experiencing from the 7th day of the workshop. Since I mentioned I am totally new to the concept as well as to the practices it was difficult for me to get used to the practices. Where everybody else had started posting their magical experiences I started doubting my practices. Very often I thought I wasn't putting my heart and soul into the practice. Every moment I had started getting curious about the Magic in my life. Every minute I started expecting a Magic which in return made me feel helpless and I was loosing on my mind. Just then I learnt the lesson of ‘Let Go'. That very day Magic started to happen with me. Every time (not once or twice, more than 4-5 times during the course) I was in a doubt/mess but Mohit or Ayanka came up with the solution through their posts in group.
Gradually I started feeling so great, so light and relaxed. Gratitude started flowing naturally after every small favour from nature/person 'Thank You' came very naturally that too with emotions and feelings. My environment at home have become even more peaceful, I have started fearing less. Have started getting communications from universe ( though I still doubt many a times). This course have started making me feel rich since I feel have everything in abundance. I will get whatever I desire or ask for effortlessly.
About my Short Term Desires - I had actually made a list of all non-material desires.. few are suppose to take time that I know, but I believe I will definitely get through my desires. And others like my good health and my family's health, and my parents' happy faces and my desire of being most enquired and liked have all come true. I can't Thank you enough for making me feel what I have started feeling in these many days. If there could be anything greater to 'Thank You' I would send that also to you Mohit and Ayanka Ma'am.
Loads and loads of blessings and Love to both of you Mohit sir and Ayanka mam.
Mohit Tahiliani
Law of Attraction Coach
Founder of “Mind, Body & Soul”
(E) – [email protected]