Law of Attraction Success Story – Manifested my Dream House
November 23, 2017
Law of Attraction Success Story – 7/10 Desires Manifested in Just 30 Days
December 6, 2017Law of Attraction Success Story - Manifesting Money is Easy

- By, Sakshi, India
Loads of love & blessings to my Magical family. First of all i am so grateful to my mentors Mohit Sir , Ayanka Mam & Prakruti Mam for guiding me all the time. I am so blessed to have lovely parents & supporting friends.
This is my 2nd Success Story & this time it's a more better version of me penning down my story with a more stronger faith & sharing it with you all. As I had already mentioned in my previous Success Story that I am going to make everything around me beautiful & that will be my Life. So, here I am very happy about my own Magical life and I’ll be amazed at just how much more beautiful I’ll find it to be.
From manifesting a new Laptop for my office use & a new Smart Phone which I wanted from the very first day when I first saw it to manifesting 2 Lakh rupees in my account. I also manifested the completion of my home renovation which had no end since months, which then went on a fast track & was completed in the month when i attracted it.
From balancing my emotions through the toughest phase of my life to manifesting some really Magical friends for lifetime. For Universe, is giving me some very powerful signs to improve my health soon to attracting some Magical books which I always wanted & managing my time to read them too.
My life is totally changed by the “31 Days Mind Power Magic” Workshops I have attended which are conducted by Mohit Tahiliani. I am so happy that universe loves me unconditionally.
I don't know that my Success Story will be published or not but I am really enjoying this moment while typing it. I am feeling on top of the world. You know why? Because I know I am God's finest creation & I am so happy to be part of this Magical family where I learned to ask, believe & let go.
My Magical friends often ask me why there are so many quotes all around you every time.. haha.. for them I want to give a small message.
"I don't believe a rose WOULD be as nice if it was called a thistle or a skunk cabbage.” “There exists, for everyone, a sentence - a series of words - that has the power to destroy you. Another sentence exists, another series of words, that could HEAL you."
So, my friends I believe that words have a great power over us. We only have to choose the correct words/quotes which can motivate/guide us. Choose your words wisely, for they will create MAGIC in your life.
Mohit Tahiliani
Law of Attraction Coach
Founder of “Mind, Body & Soul”
(E) – [email protected]