Law of Attraction Success Story – Paradigm Shift
June 4, 2018
Law of Attraction Success Story – Magical Life
June 4, 2018Law of Attraction Success Story - Life Transforming

-By Renu Solanki, India
Thank you so much for this amazing workshop Mohit Tahiliani. I am truly grateful to you and Ayanka for so many things and one of them is giving me the chance to share my Success Story on your website. This feeling is beautiful, as I love writing and getting a chance for the same is truly amazing.
You helped me in so many ways I can't tell you about. I sleep peacefully Mohit ( as it was difficult for me). Thank you so much. My mother is waiting for the Hindi workshop to start. You are doing such an amazing work.
Magic dust & lots of Love to you.
My Magical Experience -
Before I begin with my story I want you all to know that everything in this Universe is possible, all you have to do is to Ask, Believe and Receive. And this becomes reality easy, when you have proper guidance for it. I have come to know about The Secret in March 2017, when I moved to Mumbai for my first Job, but I was not able to apply it in my life. My job was the turning point of my life, as it was all that I never thought it to be. I was surrounded by negative people and so negativity became part of me slowly. I left my Job and came back to my hometown. I was Jobless, dependent on my family for everything and of course filled with negativity.
One day while scrolling down Facebook pages, I came to know about this incredible workshop of “Mind, Body & Soul”, called - “31 Days Mind Power Magic” Workshop which is an Online Workshop on Law of Attraction conducted by Mohit Tahiliani. I enrolled myself in it instantly and life once again changed for me. I am sharing my experience with the hope to inspire you all.
Some of my manifestations are -
1. I feel immense happiness to share that I have started my own Travel agency because of this workshop.
2. I have become positive and look for positivity in every situation.
3. I have started loving myself and positivity flow through me.
4. Universe leads me to the right path and gives me answers I seek.
5. I have started morning walk and Yoga which I stopped due to some reason.
6. It also changed my mother’s life as I used to tell her about the things taught in workshop. She has gained her lost confidence.
All this is possible because of the guidance of Mohit and Ayanka. Thank you so much for everything Mohit and Ayanka. Now I want to manifest positive response for my business. Magic dust on everyone.
Mohit Tahiliani
Law of Attraction Coach
Founder of “Mind, Body & Soul”
(E) – [email protected]