Law of Attraction Success Story – 31 Days Magic Session is the best
March 16, 2018
Myth about Depression
March 22, 2018Law of Attraction Success Story - Enjoy the Little Things

- By, Trisha, India
I came to know about law of attraction when I saw the movie “The Secret” two years back. But I was confused and found difficulty in using it. In fact Law of attraction acted reverse in my life. I was a person with negative attitude most of the time. The guy whom I love, left me and got engaged with another girl. I have lost my self-confidence. Somehow I was detached with my family. I withdrew myself from people. The relations with my friends, colleagues and my hostel roommate were not good. My PhD work was stopped due to lacking of lab facility and my guide was on leave for long time. I was totally lost.
But the miracle happens when I joined "31 Days Mind Power Magic" Session conducted by Mohit Tahiliani on May’2016. After joining the workshop I have become completely different person with positive attitude towards life. But I was waiting for the big achievement to share. Then Mohit made me realize that each achievement is the footstep towards the actual goal. So here are my achievements:
1. I found the negative people are vanished like magic from my life.
2. I have become more close to my family. I have got more and more chance to spend more time with my family. They always love and support me.
3. Relation with my roommate has been improved.
4. I have learn to let go those things which I can’t change. I have learn to live in present.
5. My PhD guide is now very helpful and understanding. The instrument which was damaged for one year, has been repaired and I have started working in lab.
6. My scholarship is extended for another one year, which helps me to fulfil my requirements..
7. With the power of LOA, I have seen the beauty of sea 1st time in my life and that is also in Kanyakumari. I have reached one of my dream destinations “Kerala” and spend lovely moments.
8. Now I spend more time with my passion, my paintings. I’m learning new technique and improving with every art work.
9. I have become more confident about myself. I fall in love with myself and everything looks beautiful around me.
10. Now I know the magic tricks by which THOUGHT BECOMES THINGS. More grateful I am, more reasons I get to be grateful for.
Thank you all those beautiful souls I am connected by this magical workshop. Thank you so much Mohit Sir for being such a wonderful mentor and guide.
Mohit Tahiliani
Law of Attraction Coach
Founder of “Mind, Body & Soul”
(E) – [email protected]