Law of Attraction Success Story – Manifested 9 Desires in Just 14 Days
July 1, 2020
Law of Attraction Success Story – Living a Positive Life in Lockdown
July 1, 2020Law of Attraction Success Story - Changed my Life with Proper Guidance

By, Surbhi, India
This is Wellness Coach Surbhi Satpute From Nagpur.
Before starting out with the June "31 Days Mind Power Magic" workshop I was skeptical about the whole thing. But then again I knew in my heart that I needed this change. After interacting with Mohit, you suggested that I start with this 7days practice workshop.
After finishing it, I could already see minor changes In me. I became confident & then I decided to start with the 31 Days Magic Workshop. During the course of this workshop, I did all the daily practices of gratitude, writing down started changing me.
After completing every week.... I just love Monday Magic Gift .You know that is the best part I feel ..wow "Gifts" . My 8/10 desires were fulfilled, I became a positive thinker, I realized that our life is governed by us.
I would like to thank Ayanka for guiding & correcting me throughout this workshop, I could manifest the things I needed. Now I believe, trust & have utter confidence in Myself. Before the workshop I thought I knew everything, But now I realized that without proper guidance & teachings I would never move forward.
I feel this workshop was exactly the thing I was looking for to invest my time & energy in. This workshop changed my way of thinking & also the way I perceive situations, things & people. I am Really Blessed that I have 2 New Friends for Lifetime -Ayanka & Mohit.
Thank you Thank You Thank You.
Join my online " 7 Days Free Law of Attraction Workshop " and Start living Your Dream Life, click here -
If you need Help in any area of your Life, Email me Today on:
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Mohit Tahiliani
Law of Attraction Coach
Founder of “Mind, Body & Soul”
(E) – [email protected] / [email protected]