Law of Attraction Success Story – An Aspiring Industrial Designer
March 15, 2018
Law of Attraction Success Story – University Topper
March 16, 2018Law of Attraction Success Story - From break up to a Magical Life

- By, Bhumika Trivedi, India
Around one and a half month back a drastic change came in my long distance relationship. From beginning we got to know that our Kundali is not matching and this will cause a problem, still we came into relationship because we love each other so much. It’s like we were in long distance relationship and we never realized that we are far from each other. Everything was going superb, my life was superb, I was feeling like I am the happiest person in the world but suddenly when I shifted to Pune so many changes has came in my life.
He was trying to convince me for break up from a long time because of this problem but I wasn’t took it seriously. Then suddenly he ended with the final decision of breaking up. According to him it was the best decision for both of us. I was completely broken after that. I couldn’t control my life. I was very positive person before but after this incident my all positivist went off. I was so negative after that and went into depression state. I have read about “Law of Attraction” and “The Magic” but I have never tried it thoroughly.
I was getting mails from Mohit Tahiliani on Law of Attraction as I have subscribed for Free online coaching on his website. Then I thought if I can talk to Mohit and if I can get any help from him. But I was thinking that he would be very busy person, how will he help me after if I drop him a mail or so. But I don’t know why my mind said let’s take a chance and I dropped him a mail saying that I need his help. And the next day I got a reply from him. It was like unbelievable. So thank you thank you thank you Mohit Tahiliani. I have explained him my problem and he has motivated me and asked me to think about the good things in my life. In our conversation he has mentioned about the Advance "31 Days Mind Power Magic" workshop and asked me to enroll for it. Without any second thought, I enrolled. It was 19th Feb and this session was going to start from 1st March. For me it was very difficult to wait as I was in depression phase completely but still I have managed anyhow.
But when I started with the “31 Days Magic” session, a new turn took place in my life as Mohit has said that “This can be turning point of your life” at that time I was not so confident about his statement but now I can relate it. Day by day when I started doing gratitude practice, Universe has started giving me more and more reasons to be grateful for. Every day I was so excited for the new practice. I didn’t even realized when I stop thinking about my break up. I became completely a new person who can easily find positive things in every single situation. And every day I was getting good news for my life. After that I have started doing gratitude practice more deeply and with full of emotions. Now I can say that yes Mohit my life has been completely changed and there’s a big chance I will get my Boyfriend back in my life again. I am not in depression mode at all. I am living my life more happily then before. And this is true that “Whatever you want you can attract it to your life. You just need to change your thoughts.”
I am grateful to Mohit and Universe for giving me opportunity to do this workshop. I have a list of magical experiences that happened in my life during last month. Every day there is one new unexpected thing was happening and I am sure it will go on till my last breath. So be grateful to Universe for whatever you have. It will automatically give you so many reasons to thank him. Feel happy for yourself, the people who’s associated with you, things which are there in your life.
Mohit Tahiliani
Law of Attraction Coach
Founder of “Mind, Body & Soul”
(E) – [email protected]