Law of Attraction Success Story – Attracted my Dream Job
March 15, 2018
Law of Attraction Success Story – An Aspiring Industrial Designer
March 15, 2018Law of Attraction Success Story - I attract my Business Clients Magically

-By Pratish Naik, Vadodara, India
Dear All,
Going through the normal grind of life; last years festival I prayed to Ganesha to show me the way out of the all the problems. I had Ganesha at my home for 3 days; invited all my friends to come and visit. One of my friend came on the 5th day as he was not aware that Ganesha was there for 3 days only. God bless him as he came over. We talked & he mentioned that he believes and practices Law of Attraction and I knew a bit of the concept; had watched the movie ‘The Secret’ but never really pursed it further. This discussion triggered, I followed up and took action. I am so thankful to my friend for coming over. It seems even after going from my place Lord Ganesha attracted him towards me.
During a random google search to find out more about LOA, I came across website of this wonderful LOA trainer Mohit Tahiliani; went through it in detail; found it interesting and the dates too were matching and the fees too were very reasonable rather than the exorbitant fees that I had heard of other trainers who teach LOA. I signed up for the October 2015 batch immediately to take my first step towards LOA. This was a life changing moment for me.
I must add that I was an average student; practiced meditation and gratitude as explained by Mohit and sleeplessly must admit that was not much regular either. With a little bit of meditation and gratitude that I did I could see ‘Wow’ results. Now in my business, most of the times have to go with Joint Ventures with other firms. Most of the times I found myself on the losing side or the side that works more and gets paid the smallest part. Experiencing all this, I always thought of a business model, which could put me in the most profitable position and also share the biggest part of revenue with me as we do most of the work.
Every small bit detail, that probably I had in my mind which I even myself was not even aware of came all true. As a regular practice I approached and company on a social networking site. They called in and expressed interested for JV and all the Terms & Conditions were exactly what I wanted them to be. I did not even had to negotiate on one single point. I was getting good volume of work; they had their own systems of which they were providing me free access of tools and software; they were keeping the smaller portion of revenue and sharing the large portion with my firm. (All points exactly as I had envisioned).
It was kind of a ‘Déjà vu’ and was wondering how did it happened and I realized that I have been practicing LOA and the techniques mentioned by Mohit which resulted in this. I haven't read any books and I am not aware of any techniques of LOA before this session. People said just buy the book and do the techniques and you will see results. In my experience, I found Mohit’s model to be making a great sense as how many of us are disciplined to read the book and do it themselves. We do it for the first two pages and then it just bites the dust. Here Mohit put up a group on FB, shared comments, made corrections, also followed up if you are not regular.
I plan to continue practicing these techniques. I also have written down my wishes for 2016 as explained by Mohit; can feel a couple of them in action of being fulfilled already and on track for it.
I suggest all to be regular, practice and believe in it with your heard and mind. Even with a bit of a practice, I was able to achieve what I always wanted. Imagine what you all can do with regular practice. Don’t let your doubts be bigger than your beliefs and it will work magic in your life.
Universe Bless You
Thank You
Mohit Tahiliani
Law of Attraction Coach
Founder of “Mind, Body & Soul”
(E) – [email protected]