Law of Attraction Success Story – Manifesting Money is Easy
December 6, 2017
Make 2018 the Best Year of your Life
December 7, 2017Law of Attraction Success Story - 7/10 Desires Manifested in Just 30 Days

- By, Athira, India
My story began the day I read the book The Secret. It changed my life completely thoughts become things. What a statement. It came at the right time, I gave up my high paying career job in the corporate world to follow my passion of design. I just took a leap of faith and left everything to pursue jewellery design in Singapore. The joy I felt while designing and making my own jewellery was like the Universe flowing through me. Creative life was on calling. The Universe guided me.
The stakes were really high, even our finances were depleting, down to debts but somehow when I ever I facing problems Universe would miraculously support me. I couldn’t finish my studies still with how much I finished I even landed a job in Singapore, but I couldn’t stay due to certain reasons and came back to India I started getting angry, frustrated and withdrew into a shell. While surfing Facebook I came across Mohit’s “31 Days Mind Power Magic” Session which is Online Law of Attraction Workshop.
After joining Mohit Sir May 2016 “31 Days Mind Power Magic” Session and “21 Days Prosperity” Session in June 2016, immediately I just realized that I had to change my thoughts and believe in myself again.
Gratitude: I learned to give gratitude for everything in my life, everything became magical. I Became a calm and positive person after the mediation sessions. I found freelancing design which was really convenient and I became financially independent. I found joy for no reason at all and feeling good all the time. Best of all I stopped reacting to negative situations, I always responded positively. I found focus and clarity in my life.
Ask the Universe: I learned once you ask the universe a desire with pure heart and focused clarity you will receive the desire. Never worry about the HOW.
Forgiveness: I practiced self -forgiveness and forgiveness I forgave people who questioned my life choices. I realized whatever happened in the past is over and I attracted it. Today and everyday I just bless everyone I know or I meet.
Money Magnet : I deleted all the negativity I had towards money and Becoming a Money Magnet. A debt of running in 20 Lakhs which got paid off, I still have few Lakhs to go around which the universe will take care off, the important thing was I found alternate sources of income. Today I have at least three sources of income.
Second House: In January 2017,I manifested a second house which was stuck for some time. I just used to visualize and give gratitude for myself living in it.
Health: After sessions, I started giving gratitude for every morsel of food, I started loving food.I improved upon my health, my metabolic rate increased, my energy levels went up higher, My dry skin healed and magically grown longer hair.
In the last “31 Days Mind Power Magic” Session in November 2017, seven out of ten Desires got fulfilled, which included healing relationship with my brother and father, a new phone, new wallet, job offers coming from overseas, (still waiting for the dream one).
The best part about all the sessions: I became a designer, creator of my own life story. Whatever I wrote down, thought about, felt about it was coming true. Follow your passion, get out of your comfort zone. Always trust the Universe has your back. What you put out there you will receive the same, You put love, happiness, joy, friendship you will receive the same.
Ek Hira –Athira, A Diamond shining always.
Mohit Tahiliani
Law of Attraction Coach
Founder of “Mind, Body & Soul”
(E) – [email protected]