Law of Attraction Success Story – Never Compromise with Dreams
March 16, 2018
Law of Attraction Success Story – Enjoy the Little Things
March 16, 2018Law of Attraction Success Story - 31 Days Magic Session is the best

- By, Urmila, India
We always think that people and situations are the main cause of our happiness but when I came to know about “Secret book” or “Law of Attraction” I could understand that everything depends on our thoughts, feelings and positive inspirational action. Since 2013 I was trying for my Dream Job in Pune. Basically I’m from Nasik but I had dream to work in Pune. Somehow my family didn’t agree for this and I was trying so hard to convince them but all were useless. Then one day I came to know about “Secret Book” I started reading it continuous Full one year. One day suddenly In Nov, 2014 my mom said to me that… “If you are ready to take your responsibility then only we will give you permission to work in Pune” when I heard these words I was very shocked. Magically my mom gave me permission.
That was first MAGIC of my life.
After that I was visualizing, affirming and I have done everything to attract my dream job but something went wrong in my LOA practice. I was unable to attract my dream job till June,16.
Then my best friend “MUKESH CHANDERIA” told me about “ 31 Days Mind Power Magic" Session of Mohit Sir and he helped me to join this course. From 1st July,16 I started my Magical journey with Mohit sir. In the first session I improved my relationship with my family and friends, slowly-slowly I have learned meditation techniques in between first session, I have experienced that people who criticized me, they were changed magically, also I improved my some health problems in first attempt.
Then I joined “Magic Experiment Session” that was amazing experienced I have ever had. I have experienced basic rule of LOA that “Where attention goes, Energy flows and where Energy flows things grow”. With this basic rule again I entered in the second “Magical Session” on 1st Sept,16. It was life changing session for me. In this session I wrote 10 wishes in my wish list and till 30th Sept,16 my 7/10 wishes got fulfilled. It was unexpected achievement for me.
In the second session I wrote wish about my Dream Job with all small-small details. During gratitude practice one day suddenly I got call from consultancy for an interview, on 21st Sept, 16 my interview was scheduled and after two rounds of interview on 28th Sept,16 I got call from company about my selection. When I went for an interview I was the only one who attended that interview there was no other candidate with me. It just like Universe brought this opportunity only for me. No candidate. No competition.
This was the second MAGIC of my life.
I’m so blessed that during my magical journey I have met so many magical people who helped me a lot without expecting anything from me. I would like to thank all of them one by one. I would like to thank first to Mukesh for helping me so much to join these magical sessions. I would like to thank Mohit sir for me to join this magical session and also for solving my Little-little queries… I would like to thank Murlidhar sir, Sameer sir, Krushna sir…. All were motivating me whenever I needed help… All are biggest blessing for me. I would like to thank my friends… Teena, Sugandha, Palak Shukla, Aakanksha, Twisha, Guneet and all my angels friends for supporting me a lot and encouraging me in my worse phase. I would like thank all magical friends of this Magical group all were encouraging me through their comments and messages. This success is not only belongs to me but it also belongs to my magical friends, without you all I couldn’t do anything for my dream life.
Mohit Tahiliani
Law of Attraction Coach
Founder of “Mind, Body & Soul”
(E) – [email protected]