Law of Attraction Success Story – Desires Manifested in 3 Days
February 13, 2020
The Power of Inner-Healing
March 12, 2020Enjoy the 7 Colours of Life

Hello Friends, Holi is a Festival of Colours, and we all know that there are 7 Colours in Rainbow which we call - VIBGOYR. But most of us don't know that these 7 Colours represent 7 Areas of Life.
Violet - Celebrations and Contributions
Indigo - Emotions ( Mental Health )
Blue - Work / Career
Green - Finance ( Money )
Orange - Time Management
Yellow - Relationship
Red - Health / Physical Body
Every Colour in Rainbow is Important, and every area of our Life is Important. Most people are good at few areas and bad at few areas. Lot of people are Rich, but they don't have good Relationships, lot of people have good Relationships, but they don't have good Health, lot of people have good health, relationships but they don't have Prosperity. So I have seen that people work on their Strong Areas but they don't work on their Weak areas in Life.
This is the main cause why 90% People in this World are not Happy & Successful in Life. True meaning of Success is when you Balance your Life, when you Balance these 7 Areas of Life. When all these 7 Areas of your Life are really going great, you will be happy and positive all the time. Your life will be Magical and I am living this Dream Life and it is easy to balance your 7 Areas of life, if you follow the process and their is someone to Guide you.
To help people in these 7 areas of Life and to help them Balance them and Become Successful, I have Designed an Online "31 Days Mind Power Magic" Workshop where we teach, practice and motivate daily for 31 Days to help you in all 7 areas of Life and also help you to Manifest your Goals in Life. I have helped 25,000+ people in last 6 Years.
If you want to become Successful and Manifest your Desires in 1-2 months, email me for a Free Introduction
Mohit Tahiliani
Law of Attraction Coach