Law of Attraction Success Story – Happy Mind leads to Happy Life
October 24, 2021
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November 14, 2021How to Manifest Big Things in Life using Law of Attraction ?

Our World is changing & people are also adopting the new change quickly. Everyone nowadays knows about “The Law of Attraction” & Millions of people have Transformed their lives after learning & practicing Law of Attraction Techniques.. But still there is one Question lot of people ask me as a Life Coach / Law of Attraction Coach - “I manifest small things very easily but why is it difficult to manifest big things?”
If you are also having this same question, then Today you will get your Answer here in my Blog Post. I have been Teaching “Law of Attraction” from 2015 & I have observe that there are 3 Main Reasons why people are not able to Manifest Big Goals in Life -
1. Limiting Beliefs - Our Mind has been Reprogrammed from Childhood & we are not even aware about it. It is in Auto-Pilot Reprogramming mode. Everything you see in your Childhood or you learn or you experience becomes a Part of your Belief System. For example if you see your Parents fighting a lot in Childhood then your beliefs about Marriage will become - “ Marriages are not good. Fighting is normal with Life Partners.” When you grow up & come into a Relationship you will also attract the same thing. This is why most Adults have Problems in Relationships / Money / Career / Health because of Negative Beliefs which have been installed in our Mind Unknowingly. These limiting beliefs become Blockages in our Mind & don’t allow us to Manifest what we want. So if you have a Dream to buy your Dream House in Next 1 Year or to become a Multi Millionaire in the next 3 Years, 90% of the time you will Fail to Manifest it because most people will not be able to Believe that it is possible . Your conscious Mind will not believe & as you know - “ You Attract What you Believe.”
2. Lack of Proper Knowledge - Most people have incomplete knowledge & they start practicing “Law of Attraction” to manifest what they want. Many people Manifest in the Beginning & then they become very Excited but then when they don’t manifest other things they start thinking “Why is Law of Attraction” now Working for me now ? Well for all of you who are thinking this, I would like to say that I have been Reading & Practicing “Law of Attraction” for the last 12 Years & now I feel whatever is shared in “The Secret” Movie or Books is just 20% Knowledge. You don’t know the remaining 80% Yet. So join more workshops & read more books.. Learn systematically Step By Step Process to Live a Happy & Successful Life with Manifesting your Dreams into Reality.
3. Lack of Mentoring - Having a Mentor is a New Trend these days. Many people have mentors who are Successful in Life & they are already Living their Dream Life. I like this Idea of having a Mentor. I am also currently mentoring 150+ People on daily Basis.. It’s great to share my 12 Years of Experience with people who want to become Happy & Successful like me. I have manifested all my Big Goals till the Age of 30 like buying my Penthouse , Finding my Passion , Manifesting my Soulmate & Dream Wedding in Goa, becoming a Multimillionaire, living a Happy & Peaceful Life, going on Vacations every Month, lot’s more.. “ I feel if you have a Mentor who can check your Daily Practice, who you can talk to , you can correct you if you are going wrong then it will help you to Manifest all Big & Small Desires.
Remember - Nothing is Big or Small for the Universe. If you want to Remove your Blockages, learn Proper Step by Step knowledge on how to Manifest your Desires & get my Personal Mentoring , you can join my “31 Days Mind Power Magic” Workshop where I help people in every are of life like - Health , Mindset , Relationships, Time Management, Career , Money & more.
You can Email me on - [email protected] to Join or You can WhatsApp me on - 9428153974 to Join my Next Batch of “31 Days Mind Power Magic” Workshop.
Mohit Tahiliani
Law of Attraction Coach