How to Manifest Big Things in Life using Law of Attraction ?
October 26, 2021
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November 29, 20215 Ways to be Happy & Positive Like Kids

Hello Magical Friends..
We all are Born Happy & Positive.. We are Full of Energy when we are Kids.. Everyone around us feels Happy because of our Happiness. But what happens when we Grow up ? These days most Adults are Struggling to be Happy & Positive Like Kids, because of Work Problems / Money Problems / Relationship Problems / Health Problems / Stress / Uncertainty & many more Reasons..
On this Children’s Day , I am writing this Blog to help you how to be Happy & Positive like Kids. Today I want to Share 5 Things You can do Daily to be Happy & Positive -
1. Love Yourself - Kids always Love Themselves. They only do what makes them Happy & Excited . Have you noticed this..? Well you can also start doing this and experience that your Happiness level will go up.
2. Live in the Present & Enjoy the Present - Kids always enjoy the Present, this is why they are always happy. They don’t stress about what is going to happen like we Adults do. So I feel if we also start living & enjoying the Present, we will also start living a Happy life.
3. The Art of Ignorance - Kids always ignore what they don’t like. This is why they are always happy & don’t think about what their parents have scolded them 1 hour back. They will again start having fun after some time. Ignoring Negativity or what you don’t want is an Art of Ignorance which I feel we all should adopt . Most people keep on thinking about Past whole day & feel Depressed.
4. Helping Other - Kids are Kind & they love creating a Smile on others faces too. There is a Great Saying - “ What You Give is What You Get.” So keep helping others, be a Reason for someone’s Smile & you will see a lot of Positive changes in your Life as well.
5. Take Risk - Kids don’t have Fear. They are Ready to Fail & they always go after what they want. Most Adults are full of Tea & don’t take Risk in life to go after their Goals.. This is why Adults are not Happy in Life.
I believe if everyone follows these 5 Things, we all can live a Happy & Positive Life like Kids.. To help you follow these 5 things, I have Designed a 7 Days “Law of Attraction” Workshop Starting 22nd November 2021. In this WhatsApp Workshop, we will Practice daily & I will Personally Help people to do 7 Fun Activities which will help you become Happy & Positive like a Kid. Fees for 1st 250 Students is Rs 99/- Only..
Are you Ready to be Happy like a Kid again.. ?
If “Yes” then here is the Link to Join -
You can also Gpay / Paytm / Phone Pay - 9428153974.
If you want more Details WhatsApp me on - 9428153974.
Happy Children’s Day.
Mohit Tahiliani
Law of Attraction Coach