
November 22, 2016

Are you Overweight? Don’t Worry, This is Good News for you

More then 40 Million people in India have Obesity & this rate is increasing rapidly. People think that the reason for their Over Weight is excessive eating or hereditary. But the fact is different. Louise Hay, author of Best Selling book “You can Heal your Life”, has been studying Law of Attraction and Human Body…
November 6, 2016

True Meaning of “Health is Wealth?”

I believe, like me even you must have heard this thousands of times in your childhood – “HEALTH IS WEALTH”. First I thought it was just a saying but now I understand the true importance of it. There is a deep meaning behind “Health is Wealth”. Most people give highest importance to Wealth in their…
March 7, 2015

Life Changing Activity – Pyramid of Mastery

What is Success? Do you think, when a person buys his BMW car is a successful person but he is having a back ache while sitting in it? Do you think a healthy person is successful who can’t afford to spend money for his children’s vacation? Do you think that a person who is working…