Feel Good
June 22, 2014
Five Most Common Mistakes in Mastering the Law of Attraction
August 26, 2014Abundance of wealth

The 5 Steps to Manifesting Financial Abundance –
1. Fully Acknowledge, Accept, and Embrace Your Abundant Nature.
The secret to feeling your abundant nature is to open your heart, and fully embrace the abundance that has already blessed your life. Let your armor melt away. Remove any shielding around your heart and imagine throwing it into a big fire. Breathe deeply and physically open your arms wide, inviting this abundant Universe into your heart. With each in-breath, imagine that EVERYTHING in the entire Universe is pouring into your heart; all the stars, planets, Earth, and all its people. Feel how truly abundant life already is. Let your heart welcome it all!
2. Welcome with Gratitude the Abundance that is all Around You.
There is an abundance of people on the planet to create things for you, grow food for you, and supply water to drink. Let in the abundance of joy, pleasure, opportunities, and laughter into your heart. Feel this abundance of support at your very core. You have already been and will always be blessed by the abundance of the Universe. You may have partially closed the door to feeling this abundance due to past conditioning or scarcity thinking. Consciously open the door now, and proclaim the truth to the Universe by stating, “I am a truly abundant being!” Say this message over and over until you feel that it has penetrated deeply into your soul.
3. Reprogram your Body-mind for Financial Success
The words you say to yourself are the most powerful manifesting vehicles. Each message that you think internally and say externally carries a certain vibrational energy that programs the cells in your body. The words you use actually create chemicals in your brain that bring you experiences of inner peace, love, abundance, or struggle. If you are struggling in your life and you’d like to program your body-mind for financial success, start by using affirmations daily. State what you want as if it’s already here now. Say to yourself “I easily attract all the abundance, love and joy that I need. I am a powerful being who manifests any amount of money I desire.” Notice how you feel inside just thinking these thoughts.
4. Take Massive Inspired Action
The Law of Attraction applies to your physical actions as well as to your emotional and mental state of being. Every action you take sends out an energetic frequency into the world. The movement of your body shifts the molecules inside you and around you on a physical level. This energetic movement is directly linked to the types of things you manifest or don’t manifest into your life. When you take actions from an inspired expanded heart, you send out positive expansive energy which magnetizes even more of what you desire. Engaging in consistent inspired actions throughout your day will create a momentum of powerful manifesting energy, which will quickly materialize into the financial abundance you desire. So today, take a moment to tune into your heart and find out what it is really excited and inspired to do! Start with that first action step that truly inspires you (it may be small), and then add on another one. You will soon see an inspired momentum of energy take over you which will catapult you forwarded into the financial abundance you are seeking.
5. Let go of Attachment to the Outcome of your Actions
The golden secret to manifesting financial success is gently holding your attention on the FEELING of receiving financial abundance while at the same time not demanding it shows up. You can do this only when you can find inner peace with where you’re at and what you’ve got. The idea of needing financial abundance means that it’s not available here now and implies a big disconnection with this all pervasive Universe. When you take actions from an inspired place AND are detached from any outcome, you allow the Universe to completely and utterly support your manifestation. You stop hoping that your inspired actions create future outcomes and are truly ENJOY your life here now. This makes you into a Manifesting Magnet! Detachment enables you to be fully open and receptive, which in turn attracts new opportunities and people to you. So just have fun taking inspired actions, and see what amazing surprises the Universe will send your way!
Mohit Tahiliani
Law of Attraction Coach
Founder of “Mind, Body & Soul”
(E) – [email protected]