Law of Attraction Success Story – Manifested Desires in every Area of Life
January 17, 2022
The Journey to “The Valley of Gods” & 7 Life Lesson to Learn
April 11, 20225 Simple Steps to Manifest Your Desires using Law of Attraction

Hello Magical Friends...
I have been Studying "The Law of Attraction" for the last 12 Year. When I saw "The Secret" Movie for the 1st Time in 2009, it just blew my Mind away.. I was like - "Is this Real..?" He he.. But after I started Practicing, I started to see a lot of Positive Changes in me. I started with a small Desire List to Test " The Secret" or I would say - "The Law of Attraction" & in just 30 Days 3 out of my 5 Desires Manifested..
This made me more interested in learning & then my Research began on "The Law of Attraction", Power of Subconscious Mind, Self-Love, Spirituality, Quantum Physics & more.. I am Excited to share that I have manifested most of the things I wanted in my Life in these 12 Year like -
1. Dream Job (Apple)
2. SoulMate - 2019 ( I got married in Goa)
3. Happiness & Peace of Mind
4. Finding my Passion
5. Going on my Dream Vacations every month
6. Bought my Dream Penthouse
7. Helped 30,000+ People through my Workshops & Counselings Sessions
& the list goes on..
I feel if I can Manifest all my Desires, so can You.. Just follow these 5 Steps -
1. Make Your Desire List - Writing down what you want, being very clear about what you want is very important. Always write your Desires in Present Tense as if you have it now in your Life. If you do this 50% of the job is done.
2. Believe & Let Go - If we don't Believe in our Dreams then Who will..? Right.. We have to believe that the Universe will help us to Manifest our Desires, so we have to just Believe in Univers / God / Higher Power / Intelligent Energy / Higher Consciousness / whatever you name it & just Let Go.. Don't think too much .. Let it Go ..
3. Live in the Present - I have made many mistakes in life & learned a lot of Lessons but one of the best things I have learned in life is - “Yesterday is History, you can’t change it. Tomorrow is a mystery, you can’t predict it. But today is the best Gift God has given us, hence it’s called - Present. So I try to always live in the Present & Enjoy the Now. I feel more Happy when I am in the Now.. You should try it too.
4. Morning Rituals - How you feel in the 1st hour of your day is what you are going to attract most of your Day. So to make my Today Happy & Positive, I start my Day with doing 3-5 things that make me Happy / Joyful like - Meditation / Running / Spending time in Nature / Gratitude / Self Motivation Affirmations.
5. Night Rituals - Apart from Mornings, Night Rituals are also very Powerful. I have been following this for the last 10 Year.. I watch comedy shows and laugh for 1-2 hours / Reading books / Visualizing my Goals / Gratitude Practice. This helps me to wake up with a lot of Positivity Next day & it creates a Positive Momentum in Life.
Any Person who follows these 5 Steps will become Happy, Positive & will be able to Manifest their Desires Easily with Law of Attraction. But the Problem is that 90% People know about the "Law of Attraction" but they don't know how to Practice. Lot of them are not Consistent, some have Doubts , some lack Motivation so they don't practice, and some don't have a Proper Mentor / Teacher / Guru to Teach them Properly.
To help people Master "Law of Attraction" & Live a Happy and Successful Life, I started conducting "31 Days Mind Power Magic" Workshop in 2015 where I Help people to follow the Step by Step Process daily with Motivation & Personal Guidance & teach them how to Make their Life Magical & Manifest their Desires in just 30 Days.
Till now more than 10,000+ People have joined my "31 Days Magical Journey" & there are more then 1000+ Success Stories on my Website . You can check it out here -
Link to Join - https://lawofattraction4u.org/blog/
If you want to Manifest your Desires, you can also Join my Workshop. I would love to Help you out. I conduct this Workshop every month.
Mohit Tahiliani
Law of Attraction Coach