Law of Attraction Success Story – Manifesting Desires is very Easy
June 29, 2021
Law of Attraction Success Story – Manifesting Desires is very Easy Now
June 29, 2021365 Days Destiny Tuning Program Success Story - Living my Dream Life

By, Prajwalita, India
Hello, magical people, I'm Prajwalita from Assam. I'm feeling so happy and grateful today to share my success story with you all.
It was in the beginning of the year 2020, when I was going through a challenging phase of my life. I was in a pathetic mental and emotional state. I was losing interest in everything and I was clueless about my future. Then,one day one of my friends told me about the book " The Secret" by Rhonda Byrne, I instantly read the book. I found the concepts of LOA very interesting.
After that I started to look for more sources from where I could gain more knowledge about Law of Attraction. One day I came to know about the "31 Days Mind Power Magic" workshop conducted by Mohit Tahiliani sir. I enrolled for the workshop. Life started to take a new turn, I was feeling that finally I am getting a direction. The darkness around me was fading away and I saw a ray of hope. It was a one month workshop and by the end of that one month I started to see a huge change within me. I was feeling much much better, but at the same time I felt that I needed more guidance.
The universe has shown me the way and now it's my decision to follow it or not. I took my decision, I decided to join Mohit Sir's "365 Days Destiny Tuning Program". And now I can say that it was the best decision I have ever made in my life. It's amazing. Mohit Sir is truly magical. In fact this program is a process where the student can learn to apply Law of Attraction practically with proper methods to live his or her dream life. Within a very short span of time my mindset changed completely. I became calm, cool, positive and happy. I started to love myself, I started to love my life. Though it is a 1 year program, I manifested 80% of my long term goals in the first six to seven months.
Now I can say that I have manifested all of my long term goals. In spite of my busy schedule at my office I stay energetic and positive throughout the day now. Gratitude has become a part of my life. I found my passion and recently I have started my own blog. Life is amazing now, I know my worth. I know that I am precious and wonderful and there is love, happiness and abundance everywhere.
Thank you Thank you Thank you Mohit sir for making my life magical.
Thank you universe for guiding me and supporting me always.

Join my online " 7 Days Free Law of Attraction Workshop " Today -
Mohit Tahiliani
Law of Attraction Coach