The Power of Inner-Healing
March 12, 2020
How to Master your Mind & become Mentally Healthy?
March 14, 20203 Steps of Creation

When I read "The Secret" for the 1st Time, the most important things I found was to follow 3 Steps. Because reading about "The Law of Attraction" or watching movie on "The Secret" will not Change your Life. You have to change your life by practicing what you have learned. But most of the people are not able to follow it because it's not that simple.
Step 1 - Ask
There is a way to write your Desires. When I conduct my Online "31 Days Mind Power Magic" Workshop, I teach everyone how to write their Desires on first 3 days and I check everyone's Desire List and in my 5 Years of Experience, you will be Surprised to know that 90% people make mistakes in writing their Desires. Once I correct them and teach them again, then they realize their mistakes.
Step 2 - Believe
This is the most important step. For me initially it was difficult to beileve but I read lot of success stories and I started to manifest small things in Life and it worked. One of the common mistakes what people make is they think too much. They you their mind a lot. But let me tell you one thing - When it comes to Magic and Manifesting your Desires with "Law of Attraction", you have to follow your Heart, your Inner-Voice. You can't use your mind, or else you will never believe in the unseen.
Step 3 - Receive
This is the most important part where you need to change yourself. You need to change your Vibrations, you need to take positive Actions. Most people who are not able to manifest their desires is becuase they fail to follow this Step 3 - Receive. There are so many things you need to understand before you practice like - Letting Go, Inspired Actions, Self-Love, Reacting Vs Responding, Co-Creation, Inspired Actions, Belief System, Mindset and more which I teach in my Online "31 Days Mind Power Magic" Workshop. Unless and untill if you don't learn this topics, you will make lot of mistakes. If I talk about myself, I am practicing from last 11 Years, but still I make mistakes sometimes. I feel everyone Deserves to live their Dream Life and I belive you all will if you have a Coach with you, who can guide you everyday.
Hence, to help people around the World, I conduct Online "31 Days Mind Power Magic" Workshop which is starting from 1st of Every Month. Personally Coaching people to Write their Desires and understand Law of Attraction at deeper level to manifest their Desires Easily is what I and my Team do. In the last 5 Years, I have helped 11,000+ people, you can read their Success stories on my Website.
If you want to live a Happy and Positive Life, if you want to manifest your Desires in to Reality, if you want to master Law of Attraction then email me on
[email protected] / [email protected]
I will give you Free Introduction to my "31 Days Mind Power Magic" Workshop.
You can WhatsApp me on 9428153974
To Join my 7 Days Free "Law of Attraction" Workshop, click here -
Mohit Tahiliani
Law of Attraction Coach