The Magic Experiments
(Starting from 1st October 2023)
Welcome to a very Unique & Powerful Workshop on Quantum Physics called - “The Magic Experiment” Workshop Starting 1st October. I conduct this Special Workshop only Once a Year. In this Workshop you learn about Quantum Physics & Activate your Inner Powers. You will get a chance to become a Scientist for 22 Days & Perform 9 Experiments with me on Quantum Physics which will blow your Mind.
How is “ The Magic Experiment ” Workshop Conducted ?
What are the 9 Experiments We Will Perform in the Next 22 Days of “ The Magic Experiment ” Workshop ?

Ask God/Infinite Energy to show their presence in form of a blessing/gift in just 2 Days time period.

Change your energy and see what you want to see. Decide what you want to see and you will realize that the outer world is just a reflection of your inner world.

We are energy fields and with your energy and thoughts, learn how to move a steel wand in any direction.

Manifest your wish/desire in just 2 Days like a Magic.

You can get all the answers for the Infinite Energy/God/Universe/Higher Consciousness in just 2 Days.

You can change and make an impact on a matter through your thoughts and consciousness.

Loose weight/ Gain weight in just 3 Days without changing your diet or exercise.

You will send a message to some one without being in that persons presence and get evidence of the message delivered in just 2 Days.

Change your focus and your world will change in front of your very eyes in just 2 Days.
What are the Benefits to Join “ The Magic Experiment ” Workshop ?
Who Can Join “ The Magic Experiment ” Workshop ?
How to Enroll in “ The Magic Experiment ” Workshop ?
While you do the payment, capture the transaction id (take a screen shot) and mail me to [email protected]
Once you make the Payment and Enroll in our Workshop, you cannot Cancel and there is no Refund.
Hi ..I m megha …how to do d payments please guide..I never do this kind of payments before ..
Hi Megha,
There is payu option to make payment. Please check.
I want to join it despirately. .please
Hi mohit. I want to enroll into ur 31 days magic experiment.
Hi Shaily,
Mail me at mohitloa@gmail. I will send you the procedure to enroll ..
I want to change my physical loom like loose weight, grow hair and increase height… Is it possible to manifest my ideal body through these experiment??
You can change your physical appearances using Law of Attraction..
Will enroll soon this course