Law of Attraction Success Story – I have become very Positive Person & also Attracted Health, Found My Passion & my SoulMate
April 26, 2022
My Journey To Financial Freedom
May 11, 2022Self Love - The Key to Manifesting a Happy Life

I get lot of emails on daily basic from people who are having financial problems, health issues, relationship problems, confusion about what career to choose and when I get to know more about them I find something common in them – Lack of Self Love. I am studying Louise Hay (Author of You can heal your life/Founder of Hay House Publishing) from last 2 years and she say, “All I do is teach people how to love themselves and all their problems get solved.”
Yes, this is a common problem in people these days, they don’t love themselves and then they expect others to love them. But this is not how the “Universal Law” works. How you treat yourself decides how people around you will treat you. If you treat yourself like a common person you will be treated like a common person by people surrounding you. If you treat yourself like a Royal person, people around you will treat you like you are a Royal person. To make it simple I will give now share some Do’s & Don’t –
To Do –
Appreciate yourself everyday for small small things.
Eat healthy food.
Believe that you are loved by everyone around you and specially Universe.
Think happy and healthy thoughts.
Exercise for Mind & Body.
Do what makes you happy.
Inspire yourself daily to follow your Dreams.
Feel grateful for everything you have in your life.
Pamper yourself & take care of yourself.
Believe you are Special
Not to Do –
Scold and Criticize yourself.
Mistreat your body with Food, Alcohol & Drugs.
Believe you are unlovable.
Create illness and pain in your body by giving negative thoughts.
Living in chaos and disorder.
Creating Debt and burden.
Having lovers and mates who don’t respect you and hurt you instead.
Now you know what to do and what not to do, I will suggest you one of the most life altering exercise which is simple to do. It will take only 10 minutes of your daily life. This is a Mirror Exercise. Everyday look yourself in to the mirror and say this to yourself – “I love and approve you for who you are.” Practice this for 1 months and you will see amazing change in all areas of your life.
Also when you make mistake, don’t scold yourself, you are human being and so you will make mistakes. Mistakes are good, it helps you to grow and get better. So forgive yourself if you make mistake. No matter what the problem, the main issue to work on is Loving Yourself. This is the “MAGIC WAND” that dissolves problems. Remember the times when you have felt good about yourself and how well your life was going? Remember the time when you were in love and for those periods you seemed to have no problems? Well, loving yourself is going to bring such a surge of good feeling and good fortune that you will be dancing on air. It is impossible to love yourself unless you have self-approval and self-acceptance. This means no criticism whatsoever. LOVING YOURSELF MAKES YOU FEEL GOOD.
Hakuna Matata is an Advance 25 Days Self Love Journey starting from 1st May 2024, where you will find your True Love - “Yourself”. For the 1st time in India, we are organizing a Workshop where you will learn to live a Stress-Free Life and feel the most powerful Emotion - Self-Love, which will expand your Vibrations and Consciousness to the Next Level of Spiritual Awakening. You will Fall in Love with yourself for the first time and it will feel like Magic. You will open the doors to the Infinite Possibilities of living a Magical Life. Everything you feel impossible will become possible when you are in Love with yourself.
In this Workshop we will teach you 25 Key Lessons & give you 25 Activities in 25 Days on Happiness / Self-Love / Law of Attraction which will remove your Vibrational Resistance which is stopping you from living your life to the full potential . You will not only change your life but your Self-Love will also motivate & inspire people around you, creating a chain reaction which will indirectly help everyone on this planet to grow their Consciousness to the next level. Remember - We all are Connected. Whatsapp me on - 9428153974 to Know more & Join my Hakuna Matata Workshop Starting 1st May 2024.