Law of Attraction Success Story – Nothing is Impossible
November 22, 2017
Law of Attraction Success Story – Attracting Wealth
November 23, 2017Law of Attraction Success Story - Manifested 8 Desires in 8 Days

- By, Abhishek Patel, Germany
Well, I am thanking Mohit sir first of all for posting my story. I never thought of it. So, thank you Mohit sir. I am always a strong believer of my thoughts and most of the time I have got what I have asked for. But after attending this “31 Days Mind Power Magic” Workshop that most of the time has converted into all the time.
After attending this workshop, I got to know that I was already 90% positive and those 90% attracted the rest 10%. 10 Desires I had written on the second day of the workshop. Out of them 8 were manifested in first 8 days and the remaining 2 will be manifested soon because I can smell it, I can feel it.
What I have always done is, I have always followed the God resides in me. And there is a proverb in Hindu Sanskriti “ATMA HI PARMATMA HAI”. Which means the soul itself is a God. So be happy, always listen to the inner-god. Have fun. I am thankful to Rhonda as well.
Mohit Tahiliani
Law of Attraction Coach
Founder of “Mind, Body & Soul”
(E) – [email protected]