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March 8, 2019Law of Attraction Success Story - Healed Pcos, Liver Stone and more..

- By, Palak , India
It was in 2013 during my college time, when I came across Law Of Attraction & The Secret book through one of my friend's father. Initially, I didn’t gave much attention to it as I took this casually. Then, I came across The Magic book and Mohit Sir’s online “31 Days Mind Power Magic” Workshop which I joined.
I started practice of applying Law of Attraction in my day to day life through this Workshop which actually started giving me some wonderful results. Life changed a lot from then to now and I also experienced the result of taking Law of Attraction for granted so now I know the value of why you constantly say that practice it daily with visualisation for only 15 or 30 mins.
This story is about my Health issue mainly - Weight issue which I think many of us have nowadays. I was diagnosed with PCOS and Gall bladder stone in 2015 due to my bad eating habits. I was afraid of getting operated for my stone so I convinced my family for being on medication for dissolving my stone and eating proper so that my Pcos also gets cured. That year I joined “31 Days Mind Power Magic” Workshop too and my main aim was to cure my health and reduce some weight.
I always used to say Thanks to the food I took and also write about my healthy lifestyle in the gratitude list too. Initially, after completing this one month workshop I cured my Stone problem and it got dissolved and my Pcos problem also got cured. So, I was so happy that time that I forgot to use Law of Attraction and Gratitude after that daily in my life. Again, in 2017 the problem came back now with an additional problem of my spine (L4 n L5 bones) both were weak because of which I remembered my 2017 - 31st Dec Night, I was unable to move my body and the pain was so worse that it was unbearable also my weight increased too that time.
That night, I just thought about my happy times when I was able to move, walk, jump, run freely and can eat freely. I went through my past years & I realised that I have stopped practising Law of Attraction because of which I am facing these problems. Fast forward in Jan 2018 I started my practices again. My stone got worse so I had to get it operated. While going for the operation, I just said to myself everything will be alright and I can go through this situation easily. Finally I got discharged in two days, though yes I suffered little pain but it was not what I heard from other people and was bearing too.
Now, in January 2019....my gall bladder is out, my liver was fatty but recently checked it is back to normal again, Pcos is permanently cured and my back got so so so much relief and it is cured almost more then 50%. I joined Mohit Sir’s “31 Days Mind Power Magic” Workshop again in January and in my Long Terms Goals I gave this 2019 to be permanently free from my back problem issue and have a healthy and fit lifestyle....which i already started to live. Also, beside this i got my many more wishes full filled.
In these 6 years of knowing Law of Attraction, I understood one thing that you only get to see the results when you set an intention work towards it continuously and have a blind belief in your dream...
Lastly, Thank You to you Mohit Sir for coming into my life like an Angel and being the Bestest Teacher. Lots of Magic Dust and blessings to you...
Mohit Tahiliani
Law of Attraction Coach
Founder of “Mind, Body & Soul”
(E) – [email protected]