Law of Attraction Success Story – Got my Dream Job
November 19, 2018
2019 Time to Rise Up Souls of Planet Earth – Year of Awakening
December 11, 2018Law of Attraction Success Story - Got my Dream Job and living a Magical Life

- By, Aina Gupta, India
Let me begin my Magical Story by saying “Thank You” to The Universe. Thank you Mohit and Ayanka. Here’s how it all started.. :)
I got to know about Law Of Attraction in 2015 when my mother’s friend gave us the Dvd of “The Secret”. I started practising it and also attracted small things but I couldn’t practice it properly and soon the Magic left my life and two years passed. Then in 2017, one fine day I came across a Success Story posted by Mohit on Facebook and got to know about his Online “31 Day Mind Power Magic Workshop”. I didn’t really do anything about it but I kept on reading the Success Stories posted by him. After sometime things got very difficult for me. Everything was just falling apart. My research papers were not completed because my supervisor was extremely busy and ignorant towards me and due to that my relation with him and my family got bitter, I had lost almost all my friends and I thought that nothing can be done now. At that time I read a Success Story posted by Mohit which made me think can something like this happen with me too? .
It was then I mailed him and asked to help me. He replied within half an hour and asked me to register for “31 Day Mind Power Magic” Workshop and I registered immediately. There began my magical journey. One of my biggest problem was mood swings. During the workshop Mohit and Ayanka asked us to prepare a list of Mood shifters which we could use to shift our mood immediately from negative to positive. This helped me a lot and I became a very happy and cheerful person. I attracted small things during the workshop itself but the big things were yet to come. The problem was I started over thinking and over imagining and couldn’t let go.
Eventually, I started giving up. I started doing things that makes me happy. Almost after 3 months I completed my 2 research papers and my relationship with my supervisor and family improved magically. Again after 2 months I completed my another research paper. Then to my surprise I got a Job offer and trust me guys there was no vacancy before. I went for the interview and got selected and boom… I started teaching in one of the most reputed College. I got control on my anger, my emotions. I started handling situations in a better way. I started getting lots and lots of compliments almost every day. I made new friends.
In October our group went for the Conference at IIT, Roorkee. Before going to Roorkee I had this feeling a very strong one that I will meet someone in this trip. I met 4 very beautiful souls in this conference and I was also appreciated for my paper presentation there. In short, today I have a Job, I have completed 4 research papers, my relationship with my family and supervisor is amazing and I am surrounded by wonderful people who really cares for me. I am very happy now as I can shift my mood into a happy one with almost no efforts. I can let go of my anger and I can see positive things even in a negative situation. All of this happened because of Mohit and Ayanka. Thank you so much Guys.
Thank you.. Thank you.. Thank you.. I am very sure that I will post my 2nd success story very soon.
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Mohit Tahiliani
Law of Attraction Coach
Founder of “Mind, Body & Soul”
(E) – [email protected]