365 Days Destiny Tuning Program Success Story – Stress Gone, Got Job after 5 Years.
March 8, 2019
Law of Attraction Success Story – Created a Job Vacancy
March 20, 2019Law of Attraction Success Story - Cleared my CA Exam

- By Mohit Bhutada, India
This is CA Mohit Bhutada, I m very Thankful to Mohit Tahiliani Sir, that he has given me an Opportunity to post my Success Story. It started something around One year back, when I was frustrated from my career point of view as I was unable to clear my exam after putting on all my efforts I started skipping my exams.
Later on I came to know about Law of Attraction in June from my sister, I joined “31 Days Mind Power Magic” Workshop conducted by Mohit Sir in July 2018 month and did regular practice (blessing count, magic rock, meditation, Virtualisation) and I joined this workshop again in January 2019, I had put the same efforts in studies and followed Law Of Attraction practice regularly cleared my CA Exams.. :)
It's not that I have achieved only this thing, there are more Desires I have been achieved from my desire list and many more added.
I just want to say everyone, firstly Believe that you will definitely get what you want as half efforts never give result. Want to thank Mohit Tahiliani sir , Ayanka mam and Meenakshi mam for all the Guidance and Support .
Mohit Tahiliani
Law of Attraction Coach
Founder of “Mind, Body & Soul”
(E) – [email protected]