Law of Attraction Success Story – Inner Powers
September 17, 2018
Law of Attraction Success Story – Life Changing Experience
September 17, 2018Law of Attraction Success Story - Attracted my Desired College

- By Rosmin, India
I am very much glad to share my Success Story in practicing Law Of Attraction. Three years back, I came to know about 'The Secret' from one of my friends & I watched the movie. But I was not able to understand much of the things. But I was not hopeless. Keeping that desire in the depth of my mind ,one day while I was traveling by train the book of “The Secret” came in front of me. I was very happy and wonderful. I bought 3 different copies of Rhonda Byrne -The Secret, The Magic, and How The Secret changed my life. Since it was a long journey I started reading it and also had been trying to practice it.
At the course of time, I saw an advertisement on Facebook about this Online course of Mohit Sir. So I felt the need of a Coaching in my Life. This is also an intervention of The Secret. But I was not confident enough to Join , because of doubt whether will it help me.? Or whether can I follow the instructions daily. But Mohit Sir Encouraged me to Join.
I wrote my 10 Short Term Desires which I wanted to manifest & started practicing what Mohit taught. First Desire one was about my Admission. Actually I was having 0.75 mark less than the cut of percentage. Before I go to give application I didn't know about they have kept this cut off mark. As I asked for application form , the incharge person asked my percentage. Then he said to me," No hope with this mark, don't waste your money. Very difficult to get admission here. If you want to apply, write your mark in round figure." Without loosing hope I did like that. After that from every where I got supportive strokes. It helped me to increase my hope. Finally I was courageous enough to chase all the negative people and situations from my way. I prayed to Jesus and Mother Mary very ardently. It helped me to increase my belief and make my dreams possible.
Finally, that Very Good News came, that I have selected for P.G. It was my Desired college. My other Desires are coming on my way. I know they are not far.I am practicing daily visualisation. I keep my faith in my God .I am really happy and grateful to God, Rhonda Byrne, Mohit sir, Ayanka Mam also to Suyash who gave guidance in the path of Secret and Success. .
Mohit Tahiliani
Law of Attraction Coach
Founder of “Mind, Body & Soul”
(E) – [email protected]