Law of Attraction Success Story – Used Law of Attraction to help Family members
April 18, 2017
Law of Attraction Success Story – Nothing is Impossible
April 26, 2017How to remove Anger from your Life and be at Peace?

Do you ever Feel Angry ?
If your answer is "Yes" then you come in Majority of people on this planet who feel Angry due to some or other reasons.
I have seen lot of people getting Hurt or are Angry in Life. Lot of them are angry on someone, because 10 years back their Ex-Boyfriend/Girlfriend cheated on them. I believe you must have experienced something similar with your own life or you must know people who are angry for some or other reasons. They blame others for bad things happened with them. It is natural to see this as they learn this from their Parents and Society they are raised in.
If you know Law of Attraction, you understand that you are the Creator of your Life. If you get an Oscar Award or you get cheated by your best friend, both things are attracted by you in your life. This happens in a period of time when you give thoughts and feeling to what you want and what you don’t want. If you give thoughts to what you want and feel good then you will attract it in your life. But if you give your thoughts to what you don’t want and feel terrible then again you will attract it in your life. So never blame others for anything they do with you. How others treat you, depends on how you give thoughts for that person. If you give positive thoughts for a person, they will treat you well. If you give negative thoughts for a person, relationship will be effected and they may end up doing things that will hurt you and make you Angry.
If you understand this simple thing then you will never feel Angry again in your life like me.
Disadvantages of being Angry and blaming others -
1. More you blame others, Law of Attraction will give you more people to blame.
2. If you feel Angry , Law of Attraction will give you more people and situation which will make you feel Angry in future.
3. If you feel Angry, your health is affected and you will get ill/disease will enter your body.
4. It will make your mind state Negative and which will effect all areas of you life like Health, Career, Relationship, Happiness, Peace of Mind.
5. You will never be happy and peaceful because you hate people and you are not able to let go.
What steps should I take now to live a Peaceful Life?
Firstly forgive everyone who you are angry for any given reasons because now you understand Law of Attraction and you know you attracted those people and situations in your life. Forgive yourself too, this is very important. We all make mistakes and we must make mistakes to grow as a human being. So after forgiveness you must learn to attract the right people and situation in your life so you repeat your past mistakes. We all want to be happy and we all want to attract people and situations that will make us happy so focus on what makes you happy, think about it, be happy today which is very important, no matter what the situation is , do things that make you happy, talk to people who make you happy and you will see the difference in few weeks.
"You don’t attract what you want, you attract how you Feel.”
“Feel Good”
Mohit Tahiliani
Law of Attraction Coach
Founder of “Mind, Body & Soul”
(E) – [email protected]
1 Comment
Feel…. Feel Good. Be Happy 🙂