Law of Attraction Success Story – Manifest my Dream Job
October 9, 2019
The Power of Gratitude
November 14, 2019365 Days Destiny Tuning Workshop Success Story - I am Living a truly Blissful, Harmonious & Content life

- By, Kalyani Shetkar, India
I was always a happy go lucky, ambitious and overachiever since my childhood till I guess 2012-13. But life never happens as a straight line, it always happens as a sinusoidal wave which gets few ups and downs; it pushes you down when it has to offer some challenges and when you successfully conquer those challenges, you become even stronger, better than before and then life again gets you to another up. Through these ups and downs we always grow big, wise, strong and live our life to the fullest and life becomes meaningful, happy and worth living.
For me while going through these ups and downs, once I forget the pattern of life and so I got trapped into the down patch and lost my confidence, faith. And somewhere, I forgot every learning life had taught me. I give up at that time; which I never had done before. That was a time which seems to be very hard for me, was my bad patch like the other bad patches; but at that time, I literally had no clue, no will, & no confidence that I can live my life happily again. It was all the darkness I could see for myself. I forgot all the blessings, all the gratefulness which I had even at that time. I was just completely shattered. And I don't know how and from where I suddenly received one email from Mohit Tahiliani, regarding one of his workshops. That was really the magical event occurred for me at that time, cause I don't remember when I visited his website and registered my email. And even after registering on his site many months ago, it was the first time I received his first mail exactly at the time when I needed it the most.
The mail was for the self love workshop. After reading the mail I enquire Mohit about the same, then he ask me what type of help do I wanted? and what type of situation I am facing right now? and I told him the glimpse of my situation. I am not the kind of person who told anything about my problems to anybody; but I don't know why, I replied to Mohit. That was clearly an intuitional act by me. Mohit suggested me that it all starts with self love and I need this the most at this point in my life. Without further enquiry or doubts or any other over thinking I just followed my heart, trusted Mohit's words and enrolled myself for the self love workshop. And My Journey begins with Mohit. And as he said, that actually turned my life completely within just a month. After that I did many workshops with Mohit and all those workshops truly mould me into a better, wiser, more confident person bit by bit.
For me, living a happy, peaceful, content life, life with my own values, ethics, with all my relationships were always the most important than any materialistic life. But still I don't even remember and can't even count; how many desire's I have manifested with such an ease, and that too in very short period, of just a few weeks and most importantly, I have gained myself with a really strong, positive, happy mentally and emotionally as well. From nowhere and with no time, I again get up with a new hope, direction, with new & greater energy, I gathered all my strength & courage, and again I set myself up to reach to the UPs of life, with the help of Mohit and his team.
Then I heard of Mohit's “365 Days Destiny Tuning” Program, and I decided to fill the gap and loss of those 4-5 years of Darkness, with all the new hope, energy, positivity and all the wonderful and powerful practices & teachings of Mohit. And in April 2019,I gave myself a wonderful birthday gift by enrolling in this workshop. And in my first call counselling with Mohit he gave me a task of making a list of 18 to 19 long-term Desire list. And from April to October 2019 in these 7 months of period, out of 18 long-term Desires, I have manifested 12 long term Desires, very easily and effortlessly.
Mohit and his team though it's Ayanka Or Meenakshi, each one of them truly help me to be better again. All the practices are designed so practically by which I didn't even understand, how I am getting myself again in that perfect mental, emotional, physical as well as spiritual health conditions with the tremendous ease.
All I can say that I am truly very very blessed child of God and after my mom-dad & loved ones, Mohit, his team & his Amazing practical practices through each of his workshops, I now have an amazing, wonderful and Happy ME!!
I am truly very happy & grateful to live such a happy, healthy, confident, successful, peaceful, prosperous and truly content life.
My heart is full of happiness and filled with a bunch of gratitude for dear God, my Aai-Baba & all my loved ones along with Mohit and his entire team for never giving up on me, for always believing in me, and teaching me to be 'ME'! believe in ME, get up by myself and taught me to shine bright one more time in my life!!
Thank you! Thank you!! Thank you!!!
I am truly happy, grateful & blessed now!!!
Thankyou Thankyou Thankyou
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Mohit Tahiliani
Law of Attraction Coach
Founder of “Mind, Body & Soul”
(E) – [email protected] / [email protected]