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January 21, 2020
365 Days Destiny Tuning Program Success Story – Life Transforming Journey
February 4, 2020365 Days Destiny Tuning Program Success Story - Made 2019 the Best Year of My Life

- By, Bharti Verma, Ahmedabad, India
Hello Everyone..My journey with Mohit started in December 2018, all of a Sudden I came across Mohit’s Banner of “365 Days Destiny Tuning” Program. In 2017 and 2018, I joined “31 Days Mind Power Magic” Workshop of Mohit, but I wasn’t 100% Regular with Practice. But my Inner-Voice told me that I will get Results after joining this 365 Days Program. So I didn’t ask much details and I knew that Mohit will take 25 Phone Counselling & it will be Magical.
So I joined 365 Days Destiny Tuning Program in Dec 2018 and I started with Excitement and made my 20 Long Term Desire List as Mohit told me to. In just one month, one of my Dreams of being part of Vibrant Gujarat came True in January 2019. It was a Big Achievement for me, a great start of 2019 it was. I started 2019 with Big Bang. I also wrote Short Term Desires for January and most of them I was able to manifest. I got busy with few things so I wasn’t able to manifest couple of Short Term Desires in Jan.
Overall 2019 was Super Duper Awesome for me because of “365 Days Destiny Tuning” Program. In term of Growth, in every aspect. Financially I made lot of Money, got many clients, I joined lot of Workshops I wanted to. I wanted to facilitate classes which I did in 2019. Before this I used to take 1-2 classes in Year, but in 2019 I took 7-8 classes. I had a desire to help 5-10 clients every month in Numerology which I manifested. In terms of Business and Personal Growth, in all aspects I got amazing Results. There was a time when I wanted to Improve my Relationship with my Daughter which also manifest at the end of 2019. I got to spend some quality time with her and my Relationship and bonding with her became great. Even my Relationship with my husband got better which was one of my Desire.
After a long time we all family members went on a Vacation in 2019, this was also one of my Desires. I also had desires on improving my Health which also happened. I have tumour in my thyroid , which was causing weight gain but still I lost 6kg weight in 2019. Even my Thyroid tables became half and I feel it will heal completely soon. My finances, work, celebration, contribution to society & health improved a lot in this 365 Days Destiny Tuning Program. I wanted to contribute to the Society which also manifested. For the first time in 2019, from my own money I sponsored 2 Kids Education. For the 1st time I didn’t ask my Husband to do Charity because it was my earned money and it really felt good. I also worked with 1 other NGO, we conducted a Workshop and gave all the money to this NGO. My Personal Growth, my Confidence increased a lot. I am very happy that I have now registered for Mohit’s “365 Days Destiny Tuning” Program again. Many people might ask - “Why am I doing again?”
I feel when we are in this mode of getting “Personal Guidance”, you always grow. This investment made my life much more Rich, so I felt that in 2020, I have to again do this and I am feel that I will make more Good Changes this Year and I will manifest all my Desires this year too. One thing I am happy about is that I got Clarity that what are my Desires and how to fulfil this. I also met Mohit personally in 2019 which was awesome. Overall Phone Counselling benefited me a lot because whenever I got stuck in anything, Mohit gave me solution in his Phone counselling. Because only by giving practicing is not enough, but Mohit explained them in detail like how to do , when to do, what not to do which made huge difference and gave me Magical Results.
“Thank You Thank you Thank you Mohit for being a Mentor , Guide, Coach and a Friend. Lot’s of Love to You. This World needs You.”
You can also live your dreams, Manifest Your Desires & Overcome from Problems that you are facing today. You are not alone, we are here to help you. Whatsapp us about your Desires & Problems today, and we will help you to manifest them & Live a Magical Life.
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Mohit Tahiliani
Law of Attraction Coach
Founder of “Mind, Body & Soul”
(E) – [email protected] / [email protected]