Enjoy the 7 Colours of Life
March 10, 2020
3 Steps of Creation
March 13, 2020The Power of Inner-Healing

There are 7 Dimensions of Life, out of which one of the most important Dimention is our Physical Health. Growing up, I used to listen to this Phrase a lot - "Health is Wealth". But I never understand it till I started suffering in school days. I used to fall sick all the time in childhood, I used to get admitted in Hospitals for days, all the Doctors used to know me in my Town, I used to wonder, why is this happening only with me. Why is my immune system so weak. I used to feel angry and frustated because of this.
But, when I got to know about "The Secret", I started reading more on this subject and I started practicing. One of my biggest desire was to have a Health and Fit body like Akshay Kumar or any Athelete. So the journey began in 2010, my final year of College. I started learning and practicing daily, before this I had tried going to Gym but I ended up leaving it in 1 month or maximum 2, for me Gym was boring , not my cup of tea.
After doing my Research on Health, I found out that our Body is having a Healing System, which heals all the Disease and Illness that we attract. Also I got to know that we attract Disease in our body through 3 Different ways -
1. Negative Thoughts
2. Negative Beliefs
3. Negative Emotions
When I understood this I realised my Mistakes. I realized why was I falling sick from childhood and how can I change them. I always used to talk and think like normal people did - Negative. I used to have Negative beliefs like - "I have a weak Immune System" , "I will fall sick when seasons change." and more.. I used to feel afraid of many things when I saw News and read Newspapers like - "There is a New Virus killing people." I was surrounded by so many Negative things, which gave me lot of stress. But it was time to leave all this behind and move on. I had a Goal - To be Health and Fit like how Atheletes are and Akshay Kumar was my Role Model, so I started changing my Thoughts, Beliefs and Emotions.
Initially, there was no changes in first 15-20 Days, during my Research, I have learned that we need to be bit patient when it comes to changing our lives. Law of Attraction won't give you results in 1 day. You need to change your thoughts and Vibrations consciously everyday. So I believed and continued my practices. After 1 month, I started playing Cricket on Sunday. It was unpected, but I love Cricket so I joined them. I also saw few people Cycling and I decided to try it out after 20 Years maybe, but I loved it and I bough my own Cycle after 1 month of riding on Rent. Suddenly my eating habits changes, I used to hate Salads and fruits. I loved eating Friend things but suddenlty I started eating fresh Vegitables, fruits, salads and drinking Juices.
I am very happy & grateful to god, and I want to share that in last 10 Years, I have never fallen sick. I have ran 2 Marathons, I have done 50Km Cycling Expedition. I go for hike every year, I lost 15 Kgs weight, I play Cricket and Badminton on regular basis and today I feel I am very Healthy and Fit Physically. But, when I see people around me , in this 21st Century, most young people from age 20-40 are Suffering. In India, every house has a person who is on Medicines and I want to help people to heal themselves because we have this Inner-Healing Power, which we don't know. If you start using this Inner Healing, then your body will heal very Quickly.
In my "31 Days Mind Power Magic" Workshop, which is an Advance Online Video workshop, I conduct on my Private Facebook Group, I teach 3 Health Practices and how you can heal yourself quickly. If you have any health Problems, feel free to e-mail me today on -
[email protected] / [email protected]
You can WhatsApp me on 9428153974
Join my 7 Days Free Online "Law of Attraction" Workshop for Mastering all 7 Dimensions of Life. Link -
Mohit Tahiliani
Law of Attraction Coach